Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mom's lunar birthday

so as title its mom's lunar birthday, so we went chicago ribs for our dinner as a simple celebration, so.. this is my 2nd visit, there are 7 of us in total with 2 of my god-brother and sister there, we ordered 6 dishes and shared 6 of the dishes...

what i can say is the lamb rack is extremely yummy, super nice!! must try! the rest of it is nice as well, and the price is not expensive, so give it a try, btw im not doing advertisement for them....
here's some picture:

our 6th dish - blackened catch

dad : "bo ngua gong, no other restaurant can beat their lamb!"

yi :"I wonder how they cook the lamb??"

sis : "It's my lips linking good~~"

man : "stunned!"

Thursday, October 16, 2008

New Apple Macbook 2008

Finally a laptop that meets all of my requirement!! yeah!! so happy!! to be simple it is a laptop that has a very light weight+ a moderate graphic card + very nice looking + affordable price and after all its a apple macbook!

close up view

see the touchpad?? no button now because the touchpad itself is the button

glassy LED backlit monitor, LED finally here with apple

and of course the main reason of buying this laptop...

Nvidia 9400M

a moderate graphics card.. it can run 5x better then x3100 claimed by apple...

not to sure about the exact amount until test is done... but i can say 9400m is definately a way better graphic card...

ps: the ram used by the new model is DDR3 memory, now the speed of the ram is equal to the FSB, should perform well, wakaakakak, im coming im coming macbook, love it!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

soccer boots

ok, so i bought a new boots adee, haha, this is my 1st try for adidas, im always nike total 90 fans, what i can say is the boots is nice to play, very light and fast, i like it, haha, so what i need to do urgently now is to sell my previous total 90 shoot boot, selling off fast, wear twice, very new still and selling cheap , interested ? please drop a comment here... thx alot

the unpacking process...

step 1:



my total 90 shoot boots, for sale !! selling cheap!!

pic 2:

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Celebration episod3 3

so, its 4th of October as my inti friends are coming to auto city today, so after i went there to meet them, they went to hongkie, its the first visit to that restaurant, ok, so when i'm in there, they are already having their lunch, so i ordered mine..... then after we finished our meal, that staff bring the cake out... omg, really a surprised! but not on the the cake but the way it is served, the waiter just took the whole cake with the box and the plastic bag with it and place it on the table, supposedly it should be serve with candles on it.... everyone's shock, lol...

so after meal and celebration, we ask for the bill, they gave a 10% discount becasue we are celebrating birthday there, so next time remember to take a small piece of cake to that restaurant and just simply sing a birthday song, u will get a 10% discount, its definately worth it!

photo session.....

bitting out the candles..

cutting the cake..

my cake...

whats that?

wats so special bout the 2 sides?

water image.

water image ...


all of us

then we went to sunway carnival mall....for a movie :

flight of the living dead
<- wasting money

the movie is so fake and un-logic, it is lavel as a horror movie but i think this is a very funny movie ... a comedy... so if u want to laugh, please remember to watch this movie...

Friday, October 3, 2008

Celebraion 3pisod3 2

so, after a whole night of celebration on the eve, i woke up in the morning, went out then...

my wearing that day

after that i went Mr. Tan house, as we are going to meet Huey today, long time no see, lol... but she ask us to meet her 3pm, but she delayed to 4pm, so .... i have to wait in mr tan house, so im here again uncle and aunty~

around 4pm, we went to apex coffee.huey is different again, short + curly hair huey, different look now, gt slimmer after went to we are there chatting until 7pm+, u are really talkative ler, haha, bla bla bla non-stop....and u havent send me the photo yet, where's my photo?

here's the only 1 i have

so, i went home...took a bath and so on, eboy ask us to go out, so we are planning where to go, she asks to majong, teruk betul always think of majong only, but around 9pm, she said she tak bole keluar, memang teruk, ask ppl to go out but then cannot go, so its up to me to decide then, so i decided jom go karaoke, discuss discuss and no result, so quickly i went out for dinner first its not early anyway, finished my dinner around 10.30pm, it's really late so went and fetch everybody, and out we go to vspot, forced to make a member card there, we are a bit late.... we are there around 11.30pm, as they closed on 2am and they will not be giving 3 hours to us but still we have to pay for 3 hours, ishh, makan money!!

only photo we have, chun xian is taking this photo btw

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Birthday celebration

finally, gt the small numbers of photo and have the time to write.....

so my birthday celebration eve starts with a dinner in chicago ribs with my sister and her bf, then i came back home, waiting for my friends to come... ok, so i can say their arrival is expected, so when they are here, bird mentioned that he havent makan, and he is some sort argueing with mr tan teng hau about having dinner together, bird said he is very hungry and asked me to see whether there is anything to makan, so what i can think of is cintan mee, so kakak cook it....and the noodle was really serve instantly together with KFC drumstick(dinner bought for kakak as raya gift) + an egg, ok so the ignoring the small small stuff happening.....bla bla bla bla bla..........

ok so its around 11.30 and they closed my eyes with a handkerchief/skarft/cloth or what, i'm sent to the kitchen, turning me around to make me lost my direction but it fails, lol. ok so, now the lights is closed, and i came out by myself, and they are ready with a small cake and 2 candles, singing song, wishes, bla bla bla, then removing candles process like usual....and bird smash the cake on me... i went to baisin to clean up, while they are arguing about smashing the small cake on me....bird is blamed.... which is always his character in our gang,

Bird u are so gay...

My first cake

>>>> fast forwarding.....>>>>>>

now we are playing card games, and bird is always losing......then suddenly mr tan teng hau... throw all the cards, scolding Mr. bird for not concentrating, bird is now roasted.... he went aside and dont want to play anymore, then the top 配角-----eboy came in, trying to console bird...oi bird, dun like this keluar main jer bird !! stand up man! u ask teng hau, play cards only so bu gan yuan...i dun want to play liao, i want to leave...then he leave.....

but few minutes later, eboy told me he is coming back as she persuade him to come back, but it took so long for him to come back, and eboy called again, and due to his "dai lou" looking, he was block by the police, so it is no big deal we are not in a rush anyway, but then, eboy said she has to leave for moist ...... sigh... ok, so greeted bye bye and continue the wait for bird bird, then suddenly someone shouted birdie's back.....i went to open the gate and....i turn over to miss lim sing yong....




congratulations, u, i went out and open the gate, pals came out as well, the real cake is here now, with many candles on it...ok, so birthday songs again, and i make wishes double wishes i can make, lol, then i blow the candle, i know it is an indistinguishable candle, blow many times, and it still turns alive and at the end it burns the chocolate coating of the cake, haha...and here comes the spray, 彩带! im sprayed!! and now its worth to mention another character ..... the spraying gal!! ...mayin.... who is very professional, she only focused on spraying me throughout the whole process, and she is professional enough to keep her spraying job continue even when the can is empty....hahahah... good job!! and here comes the card!! very nice and special card, huge card should i say, geng..."Here We Are!!"

My Cake and spray!

Here We are!

so.... the drama came to an end and awards are given to the 2 main character Mr Bird & Mr Tan Teng Hau.... thx for the show, lol...

Congrats congrats

Congratulations 2 both of u....

terpaksa bogel after spraying session...

There are 5 persons in the photo..

and after eating the cake, ost left.....

and it is the gift opening session, i have 6 gifts, a surprising number!

ok so i will start from the smallest 1 to the last few which is quite heavy, im shaking it and trying to guess what is it, hmmmmm...... how come it is so heavy? then i opened it, and......!!! omg,!! nice present!!!....its my book borrowed to sing yong, haha, returning my book as a gift to me, haha, a pleasent idea, lol, nice one.... so everything ends on 2.30am...

guessing who wrote the words on the card...

and the celebration ends with a photo of every actor and actress... posing good!

My Birthday gifts on the birthday eve..

thx alot for everyone who are here in my house and also eng pin and yi pin = 2pin, thx alot everyone.

Really felt and appreciate the time spend by all of you in planning and celebrating my birthday... so as i say friends are always important in life, without friends its like ice kacang without ice.... char koew teow without koew teow.... so best pals and friends... what i want to say here is...thanks!! Terima Kasih !! 谢谢!! شكرا!!धन्यवाद!!감사합니다!! ありがとうございました!!

ok this is for 1st of oct...more to continue next time....

to be continued.....

celebration 3pisod32