Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fun out of stress

It was a day where i wore my new denim to uni. I've been walking all the way from my unit to the bus stop without realizing that i havent peel of the sticker that is on to it... then 1 of my housemate pointed it to me... without hesitating i peel it off and passed it to my another friend...I thought it comes to an end but then.... after we go through a whole day of classes.... and i just realized that the sticker is always with us until the very last session of our class...

and of course!

before telling him

i took a photo of it....

it was sticked to him since the we were in the bus stop, im not the 1 who stick on him of course, the another fellar did it



too free le u, like this oso can blog.

好拉屎鸟语录 said...

nothing to write liao u